Hi Everyone-
I will be compiling the fall newsletter in September, so now is the time to start thinking about articles you might would like to share with the other CTA members. As usual, feel free to also submit photos from CTA events/meetings, archaeology conferences, interesting field projects, field schools, etc. with a short blurb below with the who, what, where, and when for the CTA photo page.
CTA officers and committee chairs – don’t forget to send me your reports and any items that need to be reviewed and voted on during the fall meeting. Catherine will also post all items that are up for vote on the CTA members only page.
The deadline for newsletter submissions will be FRIDAY, September 20th, 2019 at 5pm. Please submit all your entries to me by that date. I will no longer be accepting late submissions, so please plan accordingly. As a friendly reminder, you need to be a current member to submit, so don’t forget to pay your membership dues!
Tina Nielsen
CTA Newsletter Editor