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The name of this organization shall be the “Council of Texas Archeologists,” herein referred to as the “Council.”


Section 1. Purpose

The Council of Texas Archeologists is a nonprofit voluntary organization which exists for the purpose of maintaining and promoting the goals of professional archeology in the State of Texas. These goals shall include but not be limited to:

a. The promotion and coordination of communication and cooperation within the archeological community and the ethnic groups and segments of society we study;

b. The preservation and conservation of the cultural resources of Texas;

c. The promotion and dissemination of information which enhances public awareness of the limited and nonrenewable nature of our cultural resources.

Section 2. Legislative and Lobbying Action

Where appropriate, the activities of the Council shall be directed towards legislative, lobbying, and consultative actions where it furthers the goals of the Council. Such activities shall be carried out in a manner consistent with the Council’s status as a professional society, with the duties of the officers, and with appropriate opportunities for action as stated in applicable Federal and State laws and regulations.

ARTICLE III. Membership

Section 1. Members

Membership shall be open to professionals, students, and institutions vocationally involved in Texas archeology who subscribe to the goals of the Council. Each professional or student member in good standing, who has paid membership dues, shall be entitled to cast one vote for or against any issue brought before the Council. Institutional members are nonvoting members.

Section 2. Dues

The Council shall establish membership dues for the purpose of financing its business.

ARTICLE IV. Officers, Election and Terms, Qualifications, Nominations

Section 1. Officers

The officers of the Council shall be a President, Vice President, an Immediate Past President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Newsletter Editor. These officers, who comprise the Executive Committee, shall perform the duties prescribed by these Bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Council.

Section 2. Election and Terms

a. Officers shall be elected by ballot at the regular Spring Meeting. The President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Newsletter Editor shall serve terms of two years or until their successors are elected. Vice President and President shall be elected in alternating years. Immediate Past Presidents shall assume this office the year following their Presidential term(s). All terms of office except that of the President shall begin at the close of the meeting at which they are elected. The President’s term shall expire following the Spring quarterly Antiquities Advisory Board Meeting so that the position of CTA President shall be represented at that meeting.

b. A plurality vote shall constitute an election.

c. No member shall serve more than three consecutive terms in the office of President or Vice President.

d. Each officer/committee member shall be a member in good standing who has paid dues.

e. In the event an office is open or an officer is unable to complete his/ her term, the remaining members of the Executive Committee will meet (either in person, by email, or by telephone) and appoint a person to fill the vacant position until an election can be held at the next regular or specially-called meeting. If the office of the President is vacant, the Vice President will become the President for the remainder of the term; the position filled would be that of Vice President. Should both the President and the Vice President positions become vacant before an election can be held, the office of President will succeed first to the Secretary, and if that office is vacant, to the Treasurer, and if that office is vacant, to the Newsletter Editor. Members of the Executive Committee will retain their elected offices except to serve as needed in the position of President following the above-outlined order of succession.

Section 3. Nominations

a. At the regular Fall Meeting a Nominating Committee of five persons shall be chosen. The Chair of the Committee shall be appointed by the President. Four or more additional nominations shall be made from the floor for the remaining positions, and those four receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected.

b. It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to nominate candidates for the offices to be filled at the regular Spring Meeting. This Committee shall confer with all persons nominated in order to determine their willingness to serve if elected.

c. No agency may be represented by more than one person on this Committee. An agency is herein defined as a private organization or a separately budgeted branch of government or educational institution.

d. Before the election of officers at the regular Spring Meeting, additional nominations from the floor shall be permitted.

ARTICLE V. Duties of Officers

Section 1. Duties of the President

The President shall:

a. Maintain continuity of the Council by executing the provisions of these Bylaws.

b. Preside at Council Meetings.

c. Make necessary arrangements for each Council meeting in accordance with the date and location selected by the membership at the preceding meeting.

d. Provide an agenda for each Council meeting.

e. Appoint committees and their chairs, unless otherwise specified herein, in accordance with Article VII of these Bylaws and with the assistance and approval of the elected officers.

f. Speak for the Council as a whole only when so authorized by the membership, except in emergency situations wherein the President shall be empowered to so speak for the Council with the assistance and approval of the elected officers. In all such emergency cases, statements issued by the President shall be subject to ratification by a majority vote of the members at the next regular or special meeting of the Council. The President shall notify the membership as to the contents of any statements made in their behalf, in the Newsletter or at the next meeting, whichever comes first.

g. Convey all records, correspondence, and property of the Council to his/her successor.

h. With the approval of the officers, present an annual budget for the coming year at the Spring Meeting of the CTA. The budget will be approved by a majority vote.

i. Serve as or appoint a representative to the Antiquities Advisory Board to the Texas Historical Commission.

j. Represent CTA by attending the Texas Historical Commission’s Archeology Committee meetings in conjunction with the Commission’s quarterly meetings.

k. Coordinate Texas Archeology Month (TAM) Event Grant and other outreach events (co-responsibility with Secretary and Treasurer).

l. Serve on the Budget Committee.

Section 2. Duties of the Vice President

The Vice President shall:

a. Maintain continuity of the Council by working closely with the President and other elected officers.

b. Call meeting in absence of President.

c. Represent CTA as necessary in the absence of President.

d. Convey all records, correspondence, and property of the Council to his/her successor.

e. Assist the President by helping to coordinate the efforts of sitting Committee Chairs of the Council, and in other matters as requested by the President.

Section 3. Duties of the Secretary

The Secretary shall:

a. Maintain an up-to-date list of the members.

b. Carry on necessary correspondence with membership through website, listserv, and email, and as directed by the President.

c. Report at every regular meeting to the membership.

d. Record the proceedings of all Council meetings and maintain a complete set of records, Newsletters, and Contractors Lists.

e. Keep copies of the Bylaws and standing rules and record amendments.

f. Call the meeting to order in the absence of the President and Vice President and preside over the election of a temporary presiding officer.

g. Send notices of all meetings to members.

h. Convey all records, correspondence, and property of the Council to his/her successor.

i. Coordinate Texas Archeology Month (TAM) Event Grant and other outreach events (co-responsibility with President and Treasurer).

Section 4. Duties of the Treasurer

The Treasurer shall:

a. Receive dues and contractors’ listing fees and deposit them in an account in the name of the Council and shall disburse funds from this account for publication and distribution of the Newsletter and for other necessary Council expenses.

b. Coordinate an up-to-date list of the members with the Secretary.

c. Report at every regular meeting to the membership the receipts, expenses, and financial condition of the Council. No funds from dues are to be used for salaries or otherwise to reimburse persons for time spent on Council business (see clarification in Article VIII).

d. Call the meeting to order in the absence of the President, Vice President, and Secretary and preside over the election of a temporary presiding officer.

e. Close the books within 15 days of the end of the fiscal year (January 1 through December 31) and submit them to the chair of the Auditing Committee.

f. File necessary federal and state tax forms.

g. Maintain online accounts and transfer funds received on regular basis.

h. Coordinate Texas Archeology Month (TAM) Event Grant and other outreach events (co-responsibility with Secretary and President).

i. Coordinate outreach donations (Ex. Texas Beyond History, TAS Native American Field School, Archaeological Conservancy).

j. Convey all records, correspondence, and property of the Council to his/her successor.

Section 5. Duties of the Newsletter-Editor

The Newsletter-Editor shall:

a. Produce and distribute a Newsletter two times yearly. Additional editions of the Newsletter may be issued as needs, funds, and time allow.

b. Provide the Secretary with a copy of all Newsletters.

c. Call the meeting to order in the absence of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer and preside over the election of a temporary presiding officer.

d. Convey all records, correspondence, and property of the Council to his/her successor.

Section 6. Duties of the Immediate Past President

The Immediate Past President shall:

a. Assume the office of Immediate Past President at the end of the Spring Meeting following his/her term as President.

b. Work with the President and other elected officers to maintain the continuity of the Council.

c. Convey all records, correspondence, and property of the Council to his/her successor.

ARTICLE VI. Meetings

Section 1. Regular Meetings

There shall be two regular meetings held each year: (1) Fall Meeting, held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Texas Archeological Society unless decided otherwise by a majority vote at the Spring Meeting, and (2) Spring Meeting, in Austin, Texas, unless another location is agreed upon by a majority vote of the membership at the previous Fall Meeting, the date of which shall be selected at the preceding regular Fall Meeting. Notification of members to the last known address shall be made at least 15 days prior to any meetings.

Section 2. Quorum

Twenty-five voting members present shall constitute a quorum.

Section 3. Special Meetings

Special meetings shall be called by the President upon the written request of 15 members. Notice of special meetings must include an agenda.

ARTICLE VII. Committees

Section 1. Governmental Affairs Committee

The Governmental Affairs Committee shall consist of six members, appointed by the President with the assistance and approval of the elected officers. Members shall serve staggered terms of two years, with three appointed each year. The Governmental Affairs Committee shall monitor official plans and actions at the local, state, and federal levels, as they affect archeological work in Texas. This information shall be conveyed to the membership through the Newsletter and by submission of reports at regular meetings or through the Internet.

Section 2. Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall consist of four members, appointed by the President with the assistance and approval of the elected officers. Members shall serve staggered terms of two years, with two appointed each year, and shall elect their chair. The duties and responsibilities of the Membership Committee are to promote and encourage membership in CTA among those archeologists and cultural resource managers in the CRM industry, state and Federal agencies, and academia (including students) who have an interest in Texas archeology. The committee also has the responsibility to receive and review application materials for the CTA Student Research Grant and award said grant to the student who best meets the criteria for the grant as outlined on the CTA web site.

Section 3. Auditing Committee

The Auditing Committee shall consist of three members, appointed by the President with the assistance and approval of the elected officers. The Auditing Committee shall at the end of every fiscal year conduct an audit of the records of the Council maintained by the Treasurer. The Committee shall report its findings to the membership at the next regular meeting.

Section 4. Contractors List Committee

The Contractors List Committee (the Committee) shall consist of one or more members, appointed by the President with the assistance and approval of the elected officers. The President shall appoint the chair. The chair or other designated member shall serve on the Budget Committee. This Committee shall maintain an up-to-date Contractors List on the CTA web site. Each Cultural Resources Director (CRD) must be a member of the CTA and be in good standing to be included on the Contractors List. The CRD can appear only once in the Contractors List. Each contractor must pay the listing fee in addition to the individual membership dues of the CRD. Contractors will be listed on the CTA web page as soon as possible, after they have paid both their dues and fees and have provided all necessary information for listing to the Committee. Each CTA contractor shall be responsible for timely notification to this Committee of address or information changes. Contractor fees and CRD fees are due January 1 to the CTA Treasurer. Listed contractors who do not pay a renewal fee by January 31 will be removed from the list until the fee is paid. Application to the Contractors List may occur at any time during the year; however, there are no prorated fees.

Section 5. Public Education Committee

The Public Education Committee shall consist of six or more members, appointed by the President with the assistance and approval of the elected officers. Members shall serve staggered terms of two years, with three appointed each year, and shall elect their chair. The Committee shall be involved in public outreach efforts (speakers bureaus, Texas Archeology Month), including the recognition of outstanding examples of work in public education.

Section 6. Multicultural Relations Committee

The Multicultural Relations Committee (formerly the Native American Relations Committee) shall consist of four or more members, appointed by the President with the assistance and approval of the Executive Committee. The Chair shall be elected by the Committee. The Committee shall foster positive working relationships between the archeological community and all ethnic groups whose cultures we study, serve as a forum for inquiring into current issues, disseminate relevant information, and, when appropriate, recommend courses of action to the membership.

Section 7. Communications Committee

The Communications Committee shall consist of three or more members, appointed by the President with the assistance and approval of the elected officers. This Committee shall work with the Executive Committee to oversee the Council’s Internet domains and/or electronic discussion lists, maintain the Council’s website, and other Internet partnerships. It shall also assist the chairs of other committees to update their contributions to the website.

Section 8. Curation Committee

The Curation Committee shall consist of six members that include the current Curatorial Facility Certification Program (CFCP) coordinator and five additional members (a mixture of repository representatives and CRM professionals) appointed by the President with the assistance and approval of the elected officers. The CFCP will serve as an advisory, non-voting member of the committee. Members shall serve staggered terms of two years, with two appointed each year, and shall elect their Chair who serves for three years. The Committee shall work to improve and bring up to current standards the care and management of archeological collections (archeological records and material collections).

Section 9. Budget Committee

With input from officers and committee chairs, the Budget Committee shall prepare provisional annual Council budgets each spring. The Budget Committee shall consist of four members that include the Treasurer, who shall chair this committee, the chair of the Contractor’s List Committee (or designated member), the Membership Committee chair, and an at-large member appointed by the President. The Treasurer can provide Committee members with a copy of the current and prior budgets. Working with the Secretary and Treasurer, the Contractor’s List Committee chair can offer information on income from that source. Working with the Secretary and Treasurer, the Membership Committee Chair can provide input regarding income from membership dues. The Committee shall provide a provisional budget to the Executive Committee for review and approval in time so that the draft budget can be placed in the CTA Spring Newsletter to allow members the opportunity to review the proposal prior to its approval.

Section 10. Standards and Guidelines Committee

The Standards and Guidelines Committee shall serve as the body within the Council to whom issues of professional performance standards or guidelines are directed for deliberation. As topics are raised and upon deliberation of those topics, this Committee shall make recommendations to the Council concerning the need for addressing existing performance standards or guidelines, or for crafting new such documents where none exist. Depending on the nature of the topic and its required expertise, new standards or guidelines may be drafted by this Committee or by a special committee appointed by the President with input from officers and the general membership. In cases where a topic is represented by an existing Standing Committee, that Committee shall have the responsibility for updating any related standards or guidelines. Membership of this Committee shall consist of a Chair and up to seven but no fewer than five additional members, and shall last until new members are appointed.

Section 11. Standing or Special Committees

Such other committees, standing or special, shall be appointed by the President, with the approval of the elected officers, as deemed necessary from time to time or as directed by the Council to carry on the work of the Council. Appointments of other committees by the President shall be subject to approval by majority vote of the members at the next regular or special meeting of the Council.

Section 12. Committee Membership

Committee members and chairs (unless otherwise designated) shall be appointed by the new President at any time after he/she takes office at the conclusion of the Spring Meeting. Committee memberships, elected or appointed, terminate at the conclusion of the Spring Meeting following their appointment or election unless otherwise specified in the Bylaws of the Council.


In addition to membership dues, the Council shall establish listing fees for the purpose of financing production and distribution of the CTA Contractors List. No part of the net earnings of the Council shall inure to the benefit of or be distributable to its members, officers, or other persons, except that the Council shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered or to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article II.

ARTICLE IX. Operation

The place of business for the Council shall be the place of business or location of the Treasurer.

ARTICLE X. Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Council in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order the Council may adopt.

ARTICLE XI. Amendments

These Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Council by a two-thirds vote of members present and voting, provided that the amendment has been submitted through the Newsletter or by special notice to the membership at least 15 days prior to the meeting at which the vote on the proposed amendment is taken.

ARTICLE XII. Disposal of Assets

In the event of dissolution, the Council shall dispose of all its assets to an educational or scientific institution which is exempt from taxation under the then current code of the Internal Revenue Service.

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