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  • 25 Jan 2020 8:09 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On January 30 from 9:30 – 10:45 AM, CTA Lost Cemeteries Task Force members Andrea Stahman Burden and Dr. Ashley Lemke will be presenting at the Texas Historical Commission’s Real Places Conference:

    Lost and Found: The Nexus of Cemetery Identification, Archeology, Urban Planning, and Community Involvement

    Abstract: With the rapid growth and development of cities in Texas, one unfortunate side effect is the damage and disturbance to “lost cemeteries,” which is occurring at an unprecedented level. In order to understand how this occurs, in-depth research is necessary to examine how rapid urbanization, gentrification, and changing social structures of neighborhoods have contributed. Detailed case studies will demonstrate how the intersection of archival research, archeological investigations, and preservation efforts can prevent inadvertent destruction of cemeteries. When cemeteries are rediscovered, the outcome is complex—attendees will learn which preservation laws are applicable, dictated by public or private land ownership, and how communities can proceed. Recommendations will also be provided for urban planners, historic preservationists, and city leaders to develop a preservation toolkit to identify partners and stakeholders prior to development.

    For more information on Real Places: https://web.cvent.com/event/4c8adf82-83fe-4c3f-aab8-e0b99e78e289/summary

  • 22 Jan 2020 4:03 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    The Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery is offering a four‐week program in the in‐depth study of 18th and 19th century archaeological material culture, and certification to enter data into DAACS. The program includes roundtrip travel to/from Charlottesville, housing, and includes a $1000 stipend. It also covers travel and lodging during field trips to archaeological collections in the Chesapeake and to Winterthur.


    The DAACS‐NEH Fellowship Program in Material Culture and DAACS Database Certification is designed for archaeologists who 1. Wish to contribute data to DAACS, 2. Plan to pursue research using DAACS data and/or 3. Want to use the DAACS database for curation and research with their collections. Priority is given to scholars committed to using DAACS’s online archive (www.daacs.org) and the DAACS database for long‐term research, curation, and teaching.

    The fellowship program is open to advanced graduate students (Ph.D. Students) through senior scholars. Applicants might wish to enter their dissertation site into DAACS, thereby making it comparable to other sites of slavery in the Archive. Other applicants might be archaeologists working in museums, CRM firms, or government organizations that foresee regularly contributing sites to DAACS, and who wish to use the database for long‐term collections management and data analysis are also encouraged to apply. These fellowships are also ideal for professors who wish to use DAACS for their own collections and for teaching.

    Details: The training and certification program will be held at Monticello in Charlottesville, Virginia between July 19‐August 14, 2020. Successful applicants are expected to arrive in Charlottesville on Sunday, July 19th and stay through August 14. All fellows must make a full‐ time commitment to the program. This generally means 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, with training and cataloging sessions scheduled for shorter periods on Saturdays and Sundays.

    Fellowship Requirements: Applicants must be pursuing their Ph.D., or have graduated with their Ph.D., or be committed to long‐term research and use of DAACS. Half of the fellowships are reserved for scholars from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in the fields of archaeology and anthropology.

    Apply: Please submit a detailed letter of interest, describing your proposed research with DAACS and your long‐term research goals, cv, and two recommendations to Jillian Galle (jgalle@monticello.org), Project Director for DAACS, by February 15, 2020. Feel free to contact Jillian with any questions. Your personal statement is the primary consideration for the advisory committee when selecting fellows.

    Selection: The DAACS Fellowship Committee, comprised of DAACS Advisory Board members, will select fifteen fellows from the applicant pool.

    Funding: Successful applicants will receive a $1000 stipend. Fellows will be reimbursed for pre‐approved round‐trip travel costs. Group housing with other fellows will be provided. Travel and lodging to field trip sites (Williamsburg, Winterthur, and Alexandria) will be provided.

    Because Monticello is located in a rural setting with no public transportation, it is necessary for fellows to either rent a car, bring their own car, or arrange car‐pools with other fellows.

    These fellowships are funded by a Sustainability Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, which was matched by generous private donors to Monticello.

  • 21 Oct 2019 8:39 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Early voting starts on Monday, October 21 and Texans will have the opportunity to vote on Proposition 5, which would dedicate 100% of sporting goods sales tax to Texas state parks and historic sites.

    For more information: https://tpwd.texas.gov/state-parks/improvement/?fbclid=IwAR1MuYOB8ttCMXZqDj3sa5eE2wPrAprbg30tEr3-5Hzo4clj3PkYnZb0ypw

  • 26 Sep 2019 7:06 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The CTA Fall 2019 Newsletter is available now!

    Inside you'll find reports from the CTA executive and committees, proposed bylaw changes, and more details regarding the CTA meeting which will be held on October 11th during the TAS Annual Meeting in Amarillo. We hope to see you there! 

  • 6 Sep 2019 6:56 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This training is open to all CTA members and will be held on October 11th at the TAS Annual Meeting in Amarillo, following the morning CTA business meeting. 

    We are pleased to announce that this year's CTA professional development training will cover the topic of occupational health and safety which will be lead by Dr. Kurt Eifling, MD, FAWM and Jacobo Paz:

    Dr. Eifling is the Emergency Medical Director for the Institute for Field Research and former General Medical Officer for the US Marine Corps.  He will be leading a seminar on the topic of building a culture of safety and productivity in our organizations.  Core topics discussed will include how to plan and integrate safety primarily around field operations including how to minimize injuries caused by encounters with wildlife and those related to heat injuries.  As this will be an interactive session, Dr. Eifling asks us to bring our individual stories with respect to the highs and lows of leading crews in the field, as well as our tips and tricks for keeping a tent cool in the heat of summer.

    Jacobo Paz is a licensed industrial health and safety trainer and will follow-up Dr. Eifling’s seminar with a presentation on excavation and construction site safety. He will specifically cover, construction site hazards to include trench safety, proper wearing of personal protective equipment, and how to protect yourself and your crews from excavation-related accidents.

    We believe this training will prove to be valuable, as well as entertaining, and will expand our awareness of how to instill a culture of safety within our workplaces. Hope you can join us! 

  • 9 Aug 2019 6:24 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Table registration is now open for the CTA Careers in Archaeology Social, October 11, at the TAS meeting in Amarillo. Tables are $200 each and there are 15 spots available.

    To register for a table, please sign in and access the registration link under "upcoming events" on the right-hand side of the welcome screen. 

    For questions about the social, please email Erin Phillips, CTA Vice President. 

  • 6 Aug 2019 2:02 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The SAA is seeking volunteers for the 2020 meeting in Austin, TX. Follow the link for more information: https://www.saa.org/annual-meeting/volunteer

  • 2 Aug 2019 4:40 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hi Everyone-

    I will be compiling the fall newsletter in September, so now is the time to start thinking about articles you might would like to share with the other CTA members. As usual, feel free to also submit photos from CTA events/meetings, archaeology conferences, interesting field projects, field schools, etc. with a short blurb below with the who, what, where, and when for the CTA photo page.

    CTA officers and committee chairs – don’t forget to send me your reports and any items that need to be reviewed and voted on during the fall meeting. Catherine will also post all items that are up for vote on the CTA members only page.

    The deadline for newsletter submissions will be FRIDAY, September 20th, 2019 at 5pm. Please submit all your entries to me by that date. I will no longer be accepting late submissions, so please plan accordingly. As a friendly reminder, you need to be a current member to submit, so don’t forget to pay your membership dues!



    Tina Nielsen

    CTA Newsletter Editor

  • 5 Jul 2019 4:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The CTA was pleased to support Dr. Roberts’ successful grant proposal to the National Trust for Historic Preservation for The Texas Freedom Colonies Project

    Congratulations, Dr. Roberts!

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CTA 2025 Spring Meeting

March 28, 2025 / Virtual and in person at the Austin Water Center for Environmental Research at Hornsby Bend (2210 South FM 973, Austin, 78725)


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